
Market Discovery Grant

Hey there business owners! Ever dreamed of taking your company global but felt a bit scared about the costs and risks? Well, say hello to the Market Discovery Fund!

What’s the deal? It’s a nifty grant from Enterprise Ireland to help you explore new markets without breaking the bank. Think of it as your ticket to international business adventure!

What’s in it for you?

  • Up to €35,000 to fund your market research
  • Cover half your costs for things like travel, trade shows, and prototypes
  • Get the inside scoop on new markets before diving in

Who can get it? Any Irish business with big international dreams. Size doesn’t matter here!

How to grab this opportunity:

  1. Tell Enterprise Ireland you’re interested
  2. Submit your grand plan
  3. Cross your fingers while they review it
  4. If you’re lucky, get that sweet funding!

Why it’s awesome:

  • Less financial risk for you
  • Learn tons about new markets
  • Give your business a competitive edge

Real talk: Loads of Irish businesses have used this fund to do cool things like testing tech products in Asia or finding new food markets in Europe.

So, if you’re itching to take your business beyond the Emerald Isle, the Market Discovery Fund might just be your golden ticket. It’s like having a wise (and generous) business buddy to help you go global.

Want to know more? Check out Enterprise Ireland’s website for all the juicy details!

Remember, the world’s your oyster – this fund just helps you crack it open!

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