
€2,500 Trading Online Vouchers for Small Businesses

Are you a small business that is looking for some financial help to get your business online? Do not worry!!! Local enterprise offices around Ireland are there to help you. They are providing Trading Online Vouchers for businesses up to €2,500.

This scheme helps businesses to either have a kick start on their online journey or to boost your sales and grow a better online presence.

According to their website: “It offers financial assistance of up to €2,500 with co-funding of 50% from the business along with training and advice to help your business trade online. Cutting the cost of developing your online trading capacity by up to 50% can make this investment very affordable for many small businesses out there.”

All the businesses who fall under the following category are eligible to avail this voucher:

  • Limited or no e-commerce presence;
  • 10 or less employees;
  • Turnover less than €2m;
  • Applicant business must be trading for at least 6 Months**;
  • Business must be located in the area covered by the LEO to whom they make their application, i.e., LEOs cannot accept applications from businesses located outside their jurisdiction.

**applicant business must provide clear proof of trading for a minimum of 6 months to their Local Enterprise Office

The voucher can be used for multiple things to boost your online growth. You can use the voucher for:

  • Development or upgrade of an e-commerce website, like developing a payment system.
  • Consultation with IT consultants.
  • Buying any internet-based software.
  • Development of an app.
  • Development or implementation of a digital marketing strategy.

CozmoTec specializes in all of the above services. If you think that you could benefit from any of the above services, feel free to get in touch to see if we can help! We have advised and guided multiple businesses and would be happy to help you through this online journey.

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