
Scaling Up? Let’s Chat About the Business Expansion Grant!

Hey there, ambitious business owner! So, you’ve weathered the startup storm and now
you’re ready to take your business to the next level. Exciting times, right? Well, buckle up,
because we’re about to dive into something that might just be your ticket to growth – the
Business Expansion Grant.

What’s the Deal?

First things first – what exactly is this grant all about? Well, it’s a nifty little (or not so little)
financial boost offered by your friendly neighborhood Local Enterprise Office. It’s designed
for businesses that have been trading for over 18 months and are ready to expand. Think of it as a high-five from the business world, saying, “We see your potential, and we want to
help you reach it!”

Who’s It For?

Now, before you start dreaming about all the ways you could use this grant, let’s make sure
you’re in the right ballpark:

  1. You’ve been in business for over 18 months (congratulations on surviving the terrible
  2. You’re looking to expand (obviously)
  3. You have up to 10 employees (small but mighty!)
  4. Your business has the potential to create jobs and boost your local economy (because
    sharing is caring).

What Can You Use It For?

The great thing about this grant is its flexibility. You can use it for:

  • Capital expenses (new equipment, anyone?)
  • Salary costs for new employees (time to grow that dream team!)
  • Consultancy fees (because sometimes we all need a little expert advice)
  • Marketing and promotion (get your name out there!).

How Much Are We Talking?

Now for the million-dollar question (well, not quite a million). The grant can cover up to 50%
of your eligible expenses, to a maximum of €150,000. Not too shabby, eh?

What’s the Catch?

Well, it’s not exactly a catch, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

You’ll need a solid business plan that shows how this expansion will lead to job creation.

How to Get Started

Feeling pumped and ready to apply? Great! Your first stop should be your Local Enterprise
Office. They’ll guide you through the application process and help you put your best foot

You’ll need to show that you can match the grant amount with your own funding.

The grant is paid in stages as you achieve agreed milestones.

Remember, this grant isn’t just about the money – it’s about believing in your business and
its potential for growth. It’s about creating jobs, boosting your local economy, and taking
that next big step in your entrepreneurial journey.

So, what are you waiting for? If you think your business is ready to level up, it might be time
to have a chat with your Local Enterprise Office about the Business Expansion Grant. After
all, sometimes we all need a little boost to reach new heights!
Good luck, and happy expanding!

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